There's a fella named Bob Ostrom and oh my goodness gosh amighty me he can draw up some of the most wonderful things you've ever seen. I get lots of email about who does my logos. Well, its Bob. I wish I could say "Well I told Bob I wanted this and that and to do this so 'the people' would understand it and..." but that's not what happened. I just said "Hello, I'd like a logo please." And boom! A few days later here it came. He does illustrations for books, comic books and all kinds of things. Then, I got some good news, which I'll be telling you about next week, and I asked him to do me a logo for it. We talked and talked and he said "I think I've got it" and BOOM! A few days later here it came. Perfect! I can't wait for you to see it. If you get a chance go over and see what he's done and what he can do. I'm gonna be having a contest soon and the winner is gonna get a logo done by Bob. Now THAT will be something to win...